
Forest of Illusion

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BANKOTSU, the leader


Name:      Bankotsu                                                                               
Age:        17                                                                                          
Eyes:       Cerulean             
Hair:        Black             
Status:    Human
Face:      Handsome, Tatooed Cross on Forehead                       
Wepon:    Banryuu the Giant Sword (He calls it his baby) 
Profile:     This 17 year-old murderer is the leader of the             
              dangerous and deadly group of the Shichinintai,         
              distroyed when a fireball engulfed him that came out
              of his sword. His word is very complex, it is a giant
              big-ass sword that 3 men can carry but he can use
              it with 1 hand! It also killed 1000 men and 1000 demons,
              I have a theroy that the demonic blood on Banryuu gave
              it unnatural power therefore creating the giant ball
              that would destroy him, I know because Inuyasha said
              in battle with him that the sword has the same aura
              as Sesshomaru's Tokijin. Also I have another theory:
              during the episode Bankotsu uses magic that isn't
              demonic: A gust oif wind, blasts of lightning, a Wind
              Scar-like attack and the giant demon ball, this could
              be the cause of the demon blood absorbed into the blade,
              but they wern't strong enough to have demon powers
              until he killed his 1000th demon. Now normally he dosen't
              betray his men, but that was an exception when he killed 
              Renkotsu because he murdered Jakotsu. Rumors have
              it that Jakotsu and Bankotsu have a..."love" relationship
              but it's not known weather they are or not.

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