
Ryukotsusei's Canyon

Home | Location List | Musashi Domain | The Higurashi Shrine | The Bone-Easters Well | The Tree of Ages | Naraku's Castle | Yura's Web | The Demon Graveyard | Princess Tsuyu's Castle | Valley of the Thunder Brothers | Nazuna's Village | The Demon Extermenators Village | Midoriko's Cave | Jienji's Village | Kodoku's Mountain | Forest of Illusion | Totosai's Forge | Den of the Wold Demons | Kaijinbo's Swamp | Ryukotsusei's Canyon | Tokajin's Home

Here are the name translations of the Inuyasha characters...

Translations provided by www.freedict.com and other websites.
Name                               Translation
Inuyasha                          Dog Forest Spirit
Kagome                            Sprout Basket
Miroku                              Body Satisfaction
Sango                              Ms. Skillfull
Shippo                             Animal Tail
Myouga                            Dark Moth
Kaede                              Maple Leaf
Naraku                             Hell
Bankotsu                          Many Skill
Ginkotsu                           Silver Skill
Renkotsu                          Group Skill
Ryoukotsu                        Great Skill
Mukotsu                           Six Skill
Suikotsu                           Acid Skill
Jakotsu                            ??? Skill
Sesshomaru                       Killing Circle
Rin                                   Follower
Jaken                               Evil
Characer only seen in the movies
Name                               Translation
Menomaru                         Sprout Field Circle
Kaguya                             ???
Takemaru                          Mountain Circle

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