
The Bone-Easters Well

Home | Location List | Musashi Domain | The Higurashi Shrine | The Bone-Easters Well | The Tree of Ages | Naraku's Castle | Yura's Web | The Demon Graveyard | Princess Tsuyu's Castle | Valley of the Thunder Brothers | Nazuna's Village | The Demon Extermenators Village | Midoriko's Cave | Jienji's Village | Kodoku's Mountain | Forest of Illusion | Totosai's Forge | Den of the Wold Demons | Kaijinbo's Swamp | Ryukotsusei's Canyon | Tokajin's Home

SESSHOMARU, the aristocratic assasin


Name:      Sesshomaru
Age:        900
Eyes:       Yellow
Hair:        Silver
Status:    Dog Demon
Face:       Cold-hearted look, Blade and Cresent
              Moon Tatooes
Wepon:    Poison Claw, Energy Whip, Tensaiga
              and Tokijin
Profiile:    Sesshomaru is demon number 4 that
              Inuyasha and Kagome face off. He is
              constanly after Inuyasha's Tetsuseiga
              to rule the world however he can't
              because he's a full-flegged demon. His
              sword the Tensaiga has the power to
              heal 100 people in 1 sweep. After seeing
              Goshinki ( Incarnation #3 from Naraku)
              breaking the Tetsuseiga he summonds the
              sword-smith Kaijinbou to forge it in the
              Tokijin so that he might have a change
              facing against Inuyasha and Naraku.
              In episode 7 his arm gets chopped off by
              Inuyasha and only his right arm is still
              intacted. Naraku gave a human arm with
              a jewal shard incrusted in it so that he
              could weild Tetsuseiga, he did but for
              1 night only because the arm burned off his
              arm and almost killed him so now he's a
              great enemy of Naraku. He has a flying
              dragon demon called Aun muh like Kirara
              that transports Rin around. He saved Rin
              using the Tensaiga and now travells with him.
              He also has a somewhat older imp conpanion
              named Jaken who helped him once by openning
              the path to his father's grave in ep. 5 and
              trying to steal the Tetsuseiga in ep.79.

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