
The Demon Extermenators Village

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INUYASHA, the dog demon


Name:                 Inuyasha   
Age:                   150 or 200      
Eyes:                  yellow, grey, red       
Hair:                   silver, black                              
Status:               Half-Dog-Demon, Human 
Face:                  Normal look, tatooed and mean looking
Wepon:               Iron Reaver Soul Stealer, Blades of
                         Blood, Tetsuseiga; Wind Scar, Barrier
                         Breaker and Blacklash Wave
Profile:                Inuyasha is a half-demon that was
                         born around his father's death. He
                         is a dog demon but still has parts of
                         his human self from his human mother.
                               He has a pearl in his left eye that
                         contains the tomb of his father, in
                         episode 5 Sesshomaru took the pearl
                         and his servant Jaken opened the
                         portal to the grave so that he can get
                         his father's sword, Tetsuseiga. The
                         Tetsueiga is an extremely powerful sword
                         that contains the move that kills 100
                         demons in 1 swing, after a magic ball from
                         the Bat-Demon-Tribe shattered it's
                         power went into the sword so it can
                         break barriers, but it's most powerful move
                         is the Blacklash Wave, an attack that
                         sends back demon energy to it's user
                         and create several tornadoes to give it
                         more power, he learned such a move in
                         battle with the dragon-demon            
                         Ryuukotsusei. Over time, Inuyasha and
                         Kagome begin to trust each other as
                         much as falling in love, although they'll
                         never admit it. Inuyasha is after
                         Naraku for killing Kikyo and turning 
                         her against him.

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