
Location List

Home | Location List | Musashi Domain | The Higurashi Shrine | The Bone-Easters Well | The Tree of Ages | Naraku's Castle | Yura's Web | The Demon Graveyard | Princess Tsuyu's Castle | Valley of the Thunder Brothers | Nazuna's Village | The Demon Extermenators Village | Midoriko's Cave | Jienji's Village | Kodoku's Mountain | Forest of Illusion | Totosai's Forge | Den of the Wold Demons | Kaijinbo's Swamp | Ryukotsusei's Canyon | Tokajin's Home

Here is a list of locations Inuyasha and the gang appear or other places.

Tokyo: This is where the story begins and is where
           Kagome is born. Normal life for Kagome is
           always in Tokyo.
The Bone-eater's Well: The well on Kagome's family's
                                shrine is a portal to 500 years
                                in the past. Kagome and Inuy-
                                asha ussually pass through this
                                well to go back to Tokyo and the
                                Feudel Era.
Kaede's Village:
Forest of Inuyasha:
Onigumo's Cavern:
Urasue's Klin:
Naraku's Castle:
The Thunder Brothers Temple:
Lake of the WG:
Demon Head's Castle:
Shichinin Graves:
Mt.Hakurei: Mt.Hakurei is 1 of the most important places
                in the whole story. At the foot of Mt.Hakurei
                is the Shichinin Graves where villager
                thought would calm their spirits. The
                mountain is sacred because of the barrier
                surronding it, it is a mountain that can
                destroy demons when near it but it is also 
                immportant not just because of the
                Shichinintai but also this is where Naraku
                casts off his final pieces of human on him
                and becomes a full demon.

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