Note:------ means it's in english and ??? means we don't know the translation.
User Translations
Tetsueiga Inuyasha Peace
Sacred Arrows Kagome
Kazaana Miroku
Wind Tunnel
Hiraikotsu Sango
Light Defeat Skill
Magic Spinning Top Shippo
Miasma Naraku
Wind Fan Kagura
Magic Mirror Kanna
Tenseiga Sesshomaru
Heaven Glory
Tokijin Sesshomaru
Time Virtue
Staff of 2 Heads Jaken ---------
Banryuu Bankotsu
Barbarian Axe
Metal Claws Suikotsu
Cannons Renkotsu
Drills and Guns Ginkotsu
Snake Sword Jakotsu
Smoke and Poisons Mukotsu
Ryoukotsu --------
Spike 'n' Chain Kohaku