
Den of the Wold Demons

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JAKOTSU, the homosextual


Name:      Jakotsu
Age:        Possibly between the ages of 17-21
Eyes:       Green
Hair:        Black
Status:    Gay Human
Face:      Tatooed and has lipstick on
Wepon:    Snake Sword
Profiile:    Jakotsu is a happy-go-lucky homosextual and
              he thinks Inuyasha, Miroku and Bankotsu are
              cute. He wears a pink kimono, lipstick are acts
              like a woman and dosen't know why the other
              Shichinintai like women. He is third in charge of
              the Shichinintai and the third-last to be killed,
              by his friend Renkotsu. His Snake Sword can
              lash out in many blades and Inuyasha always
              gets hurt by it everytime he faces Jakotsu.

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