
Princess Tsuyu's Castle

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This tells about the Shichinintai...


From Left to Right: Kyoukotsu, Mukotsu, Jakotsu, Bankotsu, Renkotsu, Suikotsu and Ginkotsu

The Shichinintai means "the 7 Man Band" or "the 7 Man Group". They are war lords who make a living by fighting in wars. They're skills are extreme and they have the power of 100 warriors, but they were so deadly in combat that they had to be executed. After becoming tired of fighting in battles the Shichinintai were finally brought to an end and dead. 10 years later the shape-shifter Naraku took 7 sacred jewal shards and placed 1 in each of the Shichinintai and brought them back to life and they're reign of terror returned. Bankotsu, the leader was givin orders by Naraku to kill Inuyasha, Kagome, Miroku, Shippo, Sango, Koga and Sesshomaru. In the end only Bankotsu was the only one left alive, and the Shichinintai were finally distroied when Bankotsu died because of a giant-demonic-energy-ball that came out of his sword, the Banryuu.

Kyoukotsu was first to die, he was killed by Koga. Mukotsu was killed second by Sesshomaru. Ginkotsu was third to die, he was killed by Koga. Suikotsu was killed fourth by Sesshomaru. Jakotsu was fifth to die, he was killed by Renkotsu. Renkotsu was killed sixith by Bankotsu. Bankotsu was last to die, he was killed by Inuyasha and devouered by Naraku.

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