
Musashi Domain

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NARAKU, the archenemy


Name:       Naraku
Age:         50
Eyes:        red
Hair:         black
Status:     Shape-shifter
Face:       crual look 
Wepon:     Miasma
Profiile:      Naraku is what happens when a theif named Onigumo sold
                his soul to demons to make an encreadible body. Onigumo
                was jealous of Inuyasha in love with Kikyo so he let
                demons devour his body and in the process they fused
                together creating Naraku, the Shape-Shifter. However
                to Onigumo's horror he then knew that the demons that
                made up Naraku hated Kikyo so Naraku turned himself into
                Inuyasha and attacked Kikyo, later he disguised himself as
                Kikyo and shot arrows at Inuyasha, with the 2 lovers now
                in conflict Inuyasha stole the Shikon Jewal but Kikyo shot
                him with an arrow putting him in a deep sleep. Unfortinatly
                Naraku couldn't get the jewal because it was burnt with
                Kikyo in her cermation. Over the years to come Naraku
                kept getting stronger and stronger by devouring more and
                more demons, around this time he was in feud with Monk
                Miastu and with a magic spell he placed a Wind Tunnel
                in his right hand, a vortex of air like a Black Hole, soon
                Miatsu and his son were consumed by it, in the series
                Miastu's grandson Miroku travells with Inuyasha to get
                back at Naraku. 50 after Inuyasha's seal and Kikyo's death
                the reincarnation of Kikyo, Kagome appeared and awoke
                Inuyasha, she also brought the Shikon Jewal with her
                and was ultamitally shattered in hundereds of pieces.
                Naraku soon collected about 40 some jewal shards when
                he first met Inuyasha. During Inuyasha's Adventure Kikyo
                was revived and she took the great amount of shards
                Kagome collected and gave them to Naraku, he now has
                at lease 80% of the shards now. In episode 81 Naraku
                disappears and telepots himself to Mt.Hakurei were he took
                7 of his jewal shards and placed them in the corpes of the
                Shichinintai to revive them. After the deaths of the
                Shichinintai, Naraku finally casts off the last of his human
                parts and becomes a full-flegged demon. His true form
                is a giant spider shown in Movie:2. Naraku also has many
                incarnations: the first one is Kanna, a small girl with a
                mirror that controls souls, #2 is Kagura, a wind demon who
                has a huge grudge over Naraku. #3 is Goshinki, a mind-
                reading ogre demon that once broke the Tetsuseiga apart
                and his bones were forged into Tokijin. #4 is Juuroumaru
                and Kageroumaru, 2 extremly strong demons. I don't
                know which icarnation comes next but I know the last one
                is Hakudoushi, a small child like Kanna that has superior
                black magic. Naraku's main attacks is a poisonous cloud of
                gases called a Miasma and he can also put put up demonic

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